HWg-PDMS SW license up to 8 datapoints. Periodic data capture, Excel reporting.
Windows application for collecting data from sensors and inputs over GSM (HWg-Ares) and LAN (Poseidon, Damocles, HWg-STE, HWg-PWR). Export of data in the background. Simple data processing and analysis in MS Excel.
Licence type: FreewarePayment
SW version:
-Collects data from all IP sensors by HW group
-Periodic data export to MS Excel
-Sensor data can be collected by e-mail (e.g. from GSM/GPRS devices)
-HWg-PDMS is free of charge for 3 sensors (registration is recommended).
-Data input: LAN (http) / Email (POP3) / Portal (HWg-Push protocol)
-Data output: Graphic preview; MS Excel export (.XLSx) + XML database (.XML) – daily / weekly / monthly; Email report (daily / weekly / monthly)
-Operating system: MS Windows (x64) – including server versions
-Data input protocols: HTTP, SMTP, HWg-Push protocols
-Graphical output: Yes, can be saved to files
-Supported sensors: kWh, W, A, V, °C/°F, Cos Fi, Lx, %RH