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AccuForce 12V - 75S
12V akku 75Ah. Suunniteltu käyttöikä - 10 vuotta. 350x167x179mm. 20.4kg SUNLIGHT
< TAKAISINUPS. AKUT JA AKUT  >  12 V AKUT  >  70 Ah - 275 Ah
12V akku 75Ah. Suunniteltu käyttöikä - 10 vuotta. 350x167x179mm. 20.4kg SUNLIGHT
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Tuotenr:AccuForce 12V - 75SCopy
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Valve Regulated Flat Plate AGM Batteries for Cyclic Applications
AccuForce S range is a range of batteries developed for stand-by and solar applications permitting regular deep cyclic use. It is a sealed, maintenance-free energy storage solution that offers significant benefits in terms of performance, reliability and cost per cycle. With automated manufacturing procedures and continuous quality controls, AccuForce S batteries comprise an advanced battery range with a cycle life of approx. 800 cycles at 50% Depth Of Discharge (DOD) and exceptional deep discharge recovery.

The products are developed by SUNLIGHT’s R-D team which constantly designs and evaluates new innovative solutions to better meet market needs based on the latest technological trends, industry developments and market feedback.

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