The blue zinc plated chipboard screw VELOX® PZ 5,0x50/30 with partial thread guarantees high user safety as confirmed by the ETA-assessment (12/0198) for use in timber construction. The patented tip thread area reduces splitting of wood as well as setting torque, which provides a perfect appearance and increases your productivity (longer battery life). Due to the low-friction sliding coating and the sharp thread the setting torque is further reduced and you save time during the installation.
VELOX® PZ with countersunk head and proven POZI drive is your fast choice for wood, chipboard, laminated and veneered wood as well as for fastening with plastic plugs.
Screw diameters Ø3,5 - Ø5 are perfect for metal fittings because of their internal underhead milling pockets for flush fitting and fewer wood shavings.