The StudSensor™ L40 stud finder locates the edges of wood and metal studs and joists behind walls, floors, and ceilings. It features an easy-to-read display and a patented pivot pinch grip for a comfortable, secure hold in either hand, at any angle. WireWarning® detection indicates the presence of live AC voltage. Use to find the edges of wood and metal studs to securely anchor pictures, mirrors, and shelves.
StudScan mode locates the edges of wood or metal studs up to ¾ in. (19 mm) deep
DeepScan® mode doubles the scanning depth to 1 ½ in. (38 mm)
READY light indicates when calibration has completed successfully
Red arrows lights up sequentially as you approach a stud and top EDGE arrow illuminates when you have found a stud edge
Zircon’s patented “over-the-stud” indication alerts you to start the scan in a new location if scanning begins over a stud
WireWarning® detection indicates the presence of live, unshielded AC electrical wiring up to 2 in. (51 mm) deep
SpotLite® Pointer shines an arrow-shaped light on the wall to clearly indicate the edge of the stud
“V” marker groove for more accurate marking of stud edge location
Patented pivot pinch grip for a comfortable, secure hold in either hand, at any angle